Event Abstract

Segmentation and analysis of sub-cortical regions of autistic MR brain images using Gaussian distribution model based reaction diffusion multi-phase level sets and geometric feature

  • 1 Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Applied Mechanics, India

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by cognitive dysfunctions such as communication defects, poor social interactions and repetitive behaviours. It affects widely distributed cortical regions and shows extensive reduction in subcortical regions such as corpus callosum, brain stem and cerebellum. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a non-invasive method, which provides information about the anatomy of sub-cortical regions. In the T1-weighted mid-sagittal MR brain images, corpus callosum has the appearance of broad arched band with bright pixel intensity. The brain stem and cerebellum appear as a mixture of white and gray pixels. In this work, the subcortical regions of control and autistic skull stripped MR brain images are segmented using Gaussian Distribution Model (GDM) based reaction diffusion multiphase level set method. The images considered for this analysis are obtained from autism brain imaging data exchange. In the multiphase level set, GDM is used as the intensity discriminator. The reaction diffusion is used to regularize the level set function. The curve is driven by a new Heaviside and Dirac functions to reach accurate boundaries. The level set function with two contours is used for the segmentation of sub-cortical regions. The results are validated with ground truth using Jaccard and Dice similarity measures. The geometric feature area is calculated from the cortical and subcortical regions. The results show that the GDM based reaction diffusion multiphase level set method is able to segment the regions. The level set method with two contours employed in this paper segments the brain into three regions. One of the contours in level set function extracts the high intensity pixels and the other extracts the low intensity pixels. From these images the desired sub-cortical regions such as corpus callosum, brain stem and cerebellum are labelled and separated from the undesired regions. The similarity measures calculated between segmented images and ground truth gives the values greater than 0.85. The geometric feature area calculated from the cortical and subcortical regions gives distinct variation (p<0.0001) between control and autistic images. As the geometric feature area extracted from cortical and sub-cortical regions are associated with brain dysfunction, this study helps to improve the diagnostic relevance of autistic subjects

Figure 1
Figure 2


The first author A. R. Jac Fredo is receiving fellowship from Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority students (F1-17.1/2011/MANF-CHR-TAM-1826) for his research work.


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Keywords: Autistic, subcortical regions, multi-phase level set, Gaussian distribution model, reaction diffusion

Conference: Neuroinformatics 2014, Leiden, Netherlands, 25 Aug - 27 Aug, 2014.

Presentation Type: Poster, to be considered for oral presentation

Topic: Neuroimaging

Citation: A. R. J, G K and S R (2014). Segmentation and analysis of sub-cortical regions of autistic MR brain images using Gaussian distribution model based reaction diffusion multi-phase level sets and geometric feature. Front. Neuroinform. Conference Abstract: Neuroinformatics 2014. doi: 10.3389/conf.fninf.2014.18.00090

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Received: 28 Apr 2014; Published Online: 04 Jun 2014.

* Correspondence: Mr. Jac Fredo A. R., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Applied Mechanics, Chennai, India, jack247029@gmail.com