2011 Frontiers of Engineering: Ultra Low Power Biomedical and Bio-inspired Systems

2011 Frontiers of Engineering: Ultra Low Power Biomedical and Bio-inspired Systems

National Academy of Engineering
2011 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
September 19-21, 2011
Google, Inc.
Mountain View, California

Ultra Low Power Biomedical and Bio-inspired Systems
September 21, 2011
Presented by Dr. Rahul Sarpeshkar.

ABSTRACT: Google hosted 100 attendees of the 2011 Nat'l Academy of Engineering's U.S. Frontiers of Engineering symposium (FOE) at our Mountain View office and Dinah's Garden Hotel in Palo Alto. The symposium is an annual three-day meeting that brings together 100 of the nation's outstanding young engineers (ages 30-45) from industry, academia, and government to discuss pioneering technical and leading-edge research in various engineering fields and industry sectors.

About the speaker: Dr. Rahul Sarpeshkar is an Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His talk discusses how analog, RF, and bio-inspired circuits and architectures have led to and are leading to novel systems for ultra-low-power biomedical applications. Examples from systems for bionic ear processors for the deaf, brain--machine interfaces for the blind and paralyzed,body sensor networks for cardiac monitoring, and in circuits for systems biology and synthetic biology were also presented.