OHBM Neuroimaging in Psychiatry - Part II

OHBM Neuroimaging in Psychiatry - Part II

Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg presents the case for the use of neuroimaging to advance psychiatric treatment. He discusses the possible role that genetics may play in assessing risk for schizophrenia. However, he clearly discussed that the environmental and social factors are far greater contributors to risk of Schizophrenia than the genetic risk,

He then showed how neuroimaging elucidates the power of social status to grab human attention. The health implications of this include the high risk that low social status may impart to individuals, increasing their chances of acquiring a mental illness.

He finished with a brief discussion of the prosocial neuropeptides, which engender social trust, buffer anxiety, and down-regulate negative emotions.

Unfortunately, part of the video was cut off due to low camera battery. However, a large part of the talk was preserved.

Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, in June 2010, in Barcelona, Spain.