The Unifying Cortical Column Model Poster Series - Part 3

The Unifying Cortical Column Model Poster Series - Part 3

With more than twenty posters being produced by the Blue Brain Project, on the 14th October SfN 2012 saw a great deal of the BBP this year. This enormous poster series displayed the building of the cortical column model from the bottom up - including the reconstruction of the neuron types to attain their morphologies (called the M-types), the establishment of their electrical patterns (called the E-types), the combination of M- and E- types to get the ME-types, the placement of neurons, the connectivity and interaction between neurons and how all of this goes in to produce the unifying Blue Brain cortical column model. For those who did not get to attend SfN 2012, a series of short videos will become available successively, of which this is just the third, that document this poster series. This video describes the morphology types of the neurons in the unifying cortical column model. Blue Brain Website: Acknowledgements: Thank you to the Blue Brain Project team as well as the Lab of Neural and Microcircuitry for great interviews. Thank you to Linoy Markram and Michael Mitchell. Also thank you to everyone who gave me footage/media!

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