Juan Hernando - Challenges in visual analysis of multi-scale tissue simulations

Juan Hernando - Challenges in visual analysis of multi-scale tissue simulations

Juan Hernando, CESVIMA, Technical University of Madrid, Spain.
Talk at INCF Multiscale Modeling Program Workshop: From cellular/network models to tissue simulation. Stockholm, Sweden May 31st - June 1st, 2012.

Visualization can help in the analysis and debugging of simulations as well as being an invaluable means for public presentation. Effective visual analysis and exploration require tools that allow the scientist to find the right visual representation that helps answer his/her questions. In multi-scale datasets, there is no one size fits all solution: different questions require the combination of different visual representations and abstractions - often by means of different rendering techniques - in a coherent way, as well as mechanisms that are flexible enough, even programmable, to enable interactive query driven visualization.
This talk describes the identified challenges and the ongoing efforts to tackle some of them within the Cajal Blue Brain - Blue Brain Project collaboration.