Cognitive consilience is an interactive visualization for a Frontiers in Neuroanatomy publication "Cognitive consilience: Primate non-primary neuroanatomical circuits underlying cognition" by Soren Solari and Rich Stoner. The publication and interactive visualization supplement each other. To cite, please use the Frontiers in Neuroanatomy publication.

How to use:

Summary diagram of proposed flow of cognitive information. Six of the circuits described in the text are shown to illustrate a summarized functional viewpoint of the hypoth- esized flow of information. Generally information flows from left to right through the color coded circuits. Circuit names and colors are represented at the top. Long-term memory is split into �perceptions� and �associations� as discussed in 4.1. Information flow details are de- scribe in the text. Cortical neuron x (Cx), Parahippocampal gyrus (PH), Hippocampus (H), Specific thalamus (Ts), Layer 1 projecting thalamus (TL1), Intralaminar thalamus (Ti), Cere- bellum (C), Striatum (S), External segment globus pallidus (Gpe), Internal segment globus pallidus (Gpi), Substantia nigra par reticulata (Snr), Basal forebrain (BF) [note: the basal forebrain is placed in layer 1 to demonstrate the primary target of its projections].

Cognitive Consilience

    Soren Solari, Rich Stoner. Copyright 2011



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Pub. Date :  1900-2011


This graphic summarizes the anatomy of non-primary cortex in primates while presenting a hypothesis about the functional roles that emerge from these neuroanatomical circuits. While primary cortical regions contain anatomical specialization, non-primary regions seem to have a common functional blueprint. We propose neurons in the cerebral cortex are organized into 4 functional systems, involving 8 pyramidal neuron types, 3 different thalamocortical projections, allocortical projections, and various subcortical projections. We emphasize non-primary cortical systems because they derive from the six-layered homotypical isocortex which is the largest part of the human brain. We focus on the literature from primates because it is most similar to the human brain. This neuroanatomical review is available in three forms: print, an interactive web-site, and an interactive iPhone/iPad application. We hope our novel application of new media will facilitate rapid review of references by placing them in a functional and spatial context.

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