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Photo credit: Pallavi Pant

Frontiers news

Published on 16 Sep 2024

Pallavi Pant - Bridging science and community action to combat air pollution

In honor of this year’s International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, we sat down with Dr Pallavi Pant to discuss her work related to air pollution and human health, as well as her thoughts on future directions for the field. With near 15 years of experience in air pollution science, Dr Pant currently leads the Global Health program at the Health Effects Institute in Boston, USA. Her primary focus is on public awareness and engagement, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Image credit: Yannik Schneider


Published on 30 Aug 2024

Promising antibiotic candidates discovered in microbes deep in the Arctic Sea

Researchers from Finland and Norway developed a new suite of methods for the screening of antivirulence activity of unknown compounds of bacterial origin. The compounds tested had been derived from actinobacteria living inside invertebrates in the Arctic Sea. They found two interesting compounds with strong antivirulence or antibacterial effects against enteropathogenic E. coli. These results demonstrate the potential of prospecting novel habitats for promising new antibacterial drugs, to solve the current global antibiotics crisis.

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Published on 23 Aug 2024

Men infected with high-risk types of HPV could struggle with fertility

Researchers from Argentina compared semen quality between men infected with high-risk (HR-HPV) and low-risk (LR-HPV) genotypes of human papillomavirus and HPV negative men. They showed that HR-HPV positive men had higher percentages of dead sperm, a higher level of reactive oxygen species, and a lower count of white blood cells in their semen. These results suggest that HR-HPV positive men, but not LR-HPV positive men, may have lower fertility due to oxidative damage to sperm.

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