Among numerous biomaterials applied for drug delivery, conducting polymers have gained a lot of attention mainly because of their ability to serve as nerve conduits, drug carriers and neurites guidance platform in neuroregeneration [1]. Conducting polymers can, therefore, be used to cover metal surfaces of neural probes with thin organic layers and form biocompatible implant/tissue interface. The resulting bio-coating helps to minimize negative effects of implantation, including allergic reaction, inflammation and glial scar formation [2]. The anti-inflammatory effect of conducting polymer coating may be further enhanced by the immobilization of biologically active compounds in its structure [3].
Ibuprofen is a popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug showing the ability to enhance wound healing. In this study, we present how the immobilization of ibuprofen in conducting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxypyrrole) matrix affects its physicochemical properties. The process of drug immobilization is realized with the use of electrochemical techniques, cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The efficiency of ibuprofen immobilization is studied by means of UV/Vis spectrophotometry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy are used to analyze structural and surface properties of polymer matrices.

Fig.1. SEM micrographs of PEDOP and PEDOP/IBU matrices.
This work was supported by National Science Centre in Poland (Preludium, NCN-2012/07/N/ST5/01878).
[1] B. Weng, J. Diao, Q. Xu, Y. Liu, C. Li, A. Ding, J. Chen, Bio-Interface of Conducting Polymer-Based Materials for Neuroregeneration, Advanced Materials Interfaces 2 (2015) 1500059.
[2] Y. Fang, X. Li, Y. Fang, Organic bioelectronics for neural interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3(2015) 6424
[3] K. Krukiewicz, J.K. Zak, Conjugated polymers as robust carriers for controlled delivery of anti-inflammatory drugs, Journal of Materials Science 49 (2014) 5738.