Event Abstract

A simulation framework for acute extracellular recordings

  • 1 TU Berlin, Neural Information Processing Group, Germany
  • 2 ETH Zürich, D-BSSE, Bio Engineering Laboratory (BEL), Switzerland
  • 3 UMB, Dept. Mathematichal Sciences and Technology, Norway

Extracellular recordings are a key tool to study the activity of neurons in vivo. Especially in the case of experiments with behaving animals, however, the procedure of electrode placement can take a considerable amount of expensive and restricted experimental time. Furthermore, due to tissue drifts and other sources of variability in the recording setup, the position of electrodes with respect to the neurons under study can change, causing degraded recording quality (non-stationarities).

Here we devloped a simulation framework for acute extracellular recordings. Neurons and electrodes are modelled as objects in a spatio-temporal state space. A generative data model allows to construct putative voltage traces at electrode positions, as the superposition of time-and-distant-dependant characteristic waveforms of the simulated single neurons. All objects may be positioned arbitrarily during the simulation. This kind of framework allows to simulate acute experimental conditions and provides grounds to evaluate feedback-dependant algorithms (positioning systems, online/adaptive spikesorting). The simulated data was found to resemble data acquired from acute extracellular recordings from PFC of awake behaving maquac.

Keywords: computational neuroscience, Simulation framework, extracellular recordings, Neuronal activity, behaving animals

Conference: 5th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics, Munich, Germany, 10 Sep - 12 Sep, 2012.

Presentation Type: Poster

Topic: Neuroinformatics

Citation: Meier P, Franke F, Hagen E, Einevoll G and Obermayer K (2014). A simulation framework for acute extracellular recordings. Front. Neuroinform. Conference Abstract: 5th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics. doi: 10.3389/conf.fninf.2014.08.00037

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Received: 21 Mar 2013; Published Online: 27 Feb 2014.

* Correspondence: Dr. Philipp Meier, TU Berlin, Neural Information Processing Group, Berlin, Germany, pmeier82@googlemail.com