Nitric oxide releasing 58S bioglass scaffolds
University of Campinas, Institute of Chemistry, Brazil
Introduction: An increasing interest has been devoted to the development of implantable biomaterials capable of stimulating cell growth and at the same time electing a minimum inflammatory response. Implantable bioglasses may offer several advantages towards this aim since they can offer good integration to both bones and fibrous tissues and can be completely resorbed in relatively short time periods[1]. Nitric oxide (NO) is a modulator species in the immune response and the exogenous NO delivery from biomaterials was already shown to increase tissue/biomaterial integration and to improve wound healing[2]. Therefore, NO releasing bioglasses may assemble the beneficial actions of bioglasses and local NO release in implantable materials for bone regeneration. In this work, scaffolds composed by bioglass 58S were obtained by the combination of sol-gel route and the ice-segregation-induced self-assembly (ISISA) methods. The bioglass scaffold surfaces were functionalized with sulfhydryl groups and further S-nitrosated yieldind NO-releasing bioglasses.
Experimental: The bioglass 58S was prepared by the sol-gel process with TEOS, TEP and Ca(NO3)2 used as reagents. After the gel viscosity attained adequate value the gel was submitted to radial freezing, lyophylization and calcination, as stablished in the ISISA method, to obtain the 58S bioglass scaffolds. The surface of the bioglass scaffold was modified with APTES followed by the bonding of the amino silane groups with glutathione with was subsequently S-nitrosated.
Results and Discussion: The ISISA method associated with the Sol Gel route resulted in 58S bioglass scaffolds with macropores around 50 μm (Fig. 1). X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the bioglass is partially crystalline. Chemiluminescence detection of free NO confirmed the spontaneous NO release from the SNO-functionalized bioglass after its immersion in water at 37°C.

Fig. 1. SEM micography of the 58S bioglass scaffold.
Conclusion: In this study bioglass 58S scaffolds functionalized with SNO groups were successfully prepared. Spontaneous NO release from this material may increase its biocompatibility and tissue integration in tissue engineering and biomedical applications.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior – Capes
[1] L. L. Hench. Bioceramics: From concept to clinic; Journal of the American Ceramic Society; 1991; 74; 1487-1510.
[2] S. J. Wimalawansa. Nitric oxide and bone; Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.; 2010; 391-403.
Bone Regeneration,
3D scaffold,
Bone graft
10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montréal, Canada, 17 May - 22 May, 2016.
Presentation Type:
Biomaterials in musculoskeletal orthopeadics and tissues
De Oliveira
MG and
(2016). Nitric oxide releasing 58S bioglass scaffolds.
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol.
Conference Abstract:
10th World Biomaterials Congress.
doi: 10.3389/conf.FBIOE.2016.01.02942
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27 Mar 2016;
Published Online:
30 Mar 2016.